ভ্যাট-শুল্ক ও গ্যাসের দাম বাড়ানোর সিদ্ধান্ত প্রত্যাহারের দাবিদেশীয় কোম্পানির ওপর করের বোঝা চাপিয়ে দেওয়ার অভিযোগশুল্ক-কর বাড়লেও দেশের মানুষের ওপর প্রভাব পড়বে না: প্রেস সচিববাড়তি কর আরোপে বেভারেজ শিল্পে হতাশাঊর্ধ্বমূল্যের বোঝার ওপর ভ্যাটের আঁটি"'

আমাদের সম্পর্কে

Tax News BD is an independent VAT, Income Tax and Customs Consultancy firm in Bangladesh. We serve country’s leading businesses and organizations in broader range of industries and disciplines. We have proven track records and extensive experiences in aiding our clients to resolve complexities, exempt unduly imposed taxes, simplify their procedures and avoid penalties and complicated and complex tax issues. We are committed to help our clients to achieve full compliance with the associated laws and regulations. Quick response and solution orientated practical approach to queries and concerns are ensured for convenience and ease of clients.

Tax News BD  is your “one stop service” in the field of VAT, Income Tax and Customs. Starting from advices on general compliance aspects of VAT, Income Tax and Customs, through the initial stages of dispute resolution with various Tax authorities, carrying on litigation representation before Tribunal and Trial Courts, to the advanced stage of conducting Appeals before Appellate Authorities, up till Appeals and Writ Petitions before the Hon’ble High Court Division till the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court Of Bangladesh, we are with you through all steps.

Tax News BD provides assurance to its valuable clients that we will deal with all litigation matters and procedural formalities enabling the clients to operate their business without any obstructions.

Customs, VAT & Income Tax legislations and rules are dynamic, constantly developing and changing. Introduction and implementation of diversified secondary legislations poses a challenge for businesses to comply with these increasingly complex legislations and rules. By developing and constructing structured systems in accordance with relevant laws and regulations for our clients, we resolve and simplify their complexities. Thereby, we assist our clients in minimizing compliance costs, reducing VAT arrears, mitigating imposed penalties and cessation of unduly imposed VAT, Customs duties and Income taxes, and ensuring that clients’ rights are protected.

Tax News BD is your comprehensive source of VAT, Customs and Income Tax advice and solution. Our services are specifically tailored to meet the requirement of individual clients. Our team of qualified experts is assigned to specific task according to their particular strengths. Even if your enquiry is fairly basic in nature, you can always be assured of a friendly, approachable and helpful response. For transparency and ease of work, fees are agreed on at the outset. Working schedule is fixed to suit your operation.